From the US to Israel
Healing Trauma in the World

International Trauma-Healing Institute
A non profit organization dedicated to global trauma healing
The International Trauma Healing Institute (ITI) is a nonprofit educational & research organization established in 2001 in the US and in 2005 in Israel by Gina Ross. ITI’s tools were chosen by the Israeli government and the Ministries of Health, Defense and Education for projects of individual and collective emotional well-being. We heal trauma at the community, national, and international level by bringing awareness to trauma as a root cause of suffering, conflict and violence; educating the public and developing healing tools.
OUR VISION is to reduce the role of individual and collective trauma on conflict, violence and war by healing trauma, building resiliency, and applying conflict resolution skills at national and international levels.

OUR MISSION is to implement a replicable model for the prevention of trauma and stress and for conflict resolution in order to facilitate communication, tolerance and harmonious dialogue.ITI provides scientifically-proven tools for the prevention and treatment of trauma.
OUR BELIEFS This knowledge will equip these institutions with tools to diminish and prevent trauma, promote healing interventions, and open paths to more peaceful and harmonious relations between groups or nations. Helping individuals, communities and nations in conflict heal their traumas and build resilience against traumatic stress increases their competence for conflict resolution.

ITI provides effective and cost-efficient information, support, training programs and coordination to allow people to move from suffering to healing.
ITI empowers people and existing organizations to facilitate healing and conflict resolution by:
Promoting AWARENESS of the impact of collective trauma on individuals, communities, groups or nations
Providing CUTTING-EDGE PROCESS mediation collective healing to understand and communicate with the adversary, facilitating conflict resolution, paving the way for productive diplomatic efforts and political agreements.
Providing TOOLS of Emotional First Aid to nine social sectors to build national resilience for the chronically traumatically stressed populations.
INTEGRATING these programs in existing social structures allowing the choice to navigate a trauma-driven world with resiliency and coping skills for stress, conflict and violence


A non-profit organization established in 2001, has two branches. ITI-USA is the first institute established to address the role collective trauma plays in conflicts and violence and to design a unique model for healing trauma at national levels.
ITI’s innovative contribution, The Ross Model: Working with the Collective Nervous System, provides nations with a process to choose the path of healing even when under pervasive traumatic stress. Formalized in 2007, ITI-Israel implements the model in Israel to develop national resiliency and create unity within Israel, and in the Palestinian territories to promote dialogue between the two sides.
The model helps identify the individuals and groups under traumatic stress and offers them a path toward healing, guiding them from disconnection, miscommunication and violence to connection, dialogue and peace. The path from the “trauma vortex” to the “healing vortex” leads people to compassion, understanding and promotes real transformation. The model can be replicated and applied worldwide.


Gina Ross, MFCC, is founder and president of International Trauma-Healing Institutes in the United States and in Israel and the co-founder of the Israeli Trauma Center at Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem.
An internationally known expert on the impact of trauma in conflict between groups or nations, Gina has specialized in cutting-edge healing methods that can be brought to the public. Also a pioneer in understanding collective trauma, Gina has integrated her wide expertise in cross–cultural issues and relationships and is currently working with Israeli and Palestinian societies and other groups to bring an understanding of the role of trauma in conflicts between groups or nations, how this role and cross – cultural misunderstandings relate specifically to politics in the Middle East.
She has developed The Ross Model, applying the new healing paradigms to heal collective trauma at national and international levels in order to create a collective emotional foundation for peace. Gina and her institutes work diligently to place the issue of trauma healing on the global agenda, developing resources and collaborating with organizations to further healing at the community, national, and international levels.
Gina Ross, MFCC, is founder and president of International Trauma-Healing Institutes in the United States and in Israel and the co-founder of the Israeli Trauma Center at Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem. An internationally known expert on the impact of trauma in conflict between groups or nations, Gina has specialized in cutting-edge healing methods that can be brought to the public. Also a pioneer in understanding collective trauma, Gina has integrated her wide expertise in cross–cultural issues and relationships and is currently working with Israeli and Palestinian societies and other groups to bring an understanding of the role of trauma in conflicts between groups or nations, how this role and cross –cultural misunderstandings relate specifically to politics in the Middle East. She has developed The Ross Model, applying the new healing paradigms to heal collective trauma at national and international levels in order to create a collective emotional foundation for peace. Gina and her institutes work diligently to place the issue of trauma healing on the global agenda, developing resources and collaborating with organizations to further healing at the community, national, and international levels.
Gina is a senior faculty member and teacher/trainer in Somatic Experiencing (SE) for the Foundation for Human Enrichment and has conducted hundreds of trainings and workshops, including providing emotional first aid after bombings in the Middle East and conducting peace workshops. Being on the frontlines of conflict and violence, she understood the need for research to introduce a very powerful tool into big bureaucracies like the US and Israeli Militaries, hospitals and Foreign ministries.
She is the creator of EFAST (Emotional First Aid for Stress and Trauma), an innovative technique that can be used as a self- help tool and which allows the recovery of our sense of control. EFAST helps us release on the spot, anywhere, anytime, any tension occurring from stress or traumatic events, allowing the adrenaline to drain from our body and protect us from developing post traumatic symptoms. EFAST brings the wisdom of body and instincts into releasing stress and healing trauma. It helps us increase our resiliency against future threats, especially if we are living through difficult times or situations of chronic stress. EFAST is a gentle, simple, organic and compassionate technique. It helps us focus on our deepest resources and to connect with our innate ability to heal (healing vortex). It offers a common and universal language which helps transcend cultural and political barriers touching the heart and the common ground of
She is the author of many articles and a series of books entitled Beyond the Trauma Vortex Into the Healing Vortex, guides addressed to the various social sectors that can exacerbate or heal trauma or both (the fields of medicine, psychology, education, the media, diplomats and NGOs, clergy, the judiciary and a special guide for the public in English, Hebrew and Arabic. The books are currently being translated into other languages.
In addition to Somatic Experiencing® (SE), Gina is certified in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Thought Field Therapy (TFT), and Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR). She chaired the Cross-Cultural Committee of the Los Angeles, California Association of Marriage, Family, and Child Therapists (MFCT) for seven years. She continues to serve a multi-cultural clientele of 50 different cultures in her private practice in seven languages. She is an international guest lecturer at conferences including the United Nations and various professional associations. She has been a guest commentator on many television and radio shows.


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Reg Wilson, CEP, is EPIC Wealth Advisors Estate and Executive Compensation, Specialist. His expertise in wealth strategies involves deferring and shifting estate taxes, income taxes, and capital gains through planning techniques and creative uses of domestic and international life insurance structures.
As the former president of an international manufacturing company and a turnaround consultant, he is also a frequent speaker to CPA and law firms on analyzing many aspects of life insurance planning.
He is the author of How to Insure Your Life, a consumer guide to analyzing and purchasing life insurance and is currently writing a new book on Legacy. Professional memberships include the Life Underwriters Association, International Association of Financial Planners, Founding Member of International Estate Planning Forum, Institute of Certified Financial Planners, Association of Corporate Growth and the Los Angeles Venture Association.
Advisory Board
Evelyn Rappoport
Evelyn Rappoport, Psy.D. obtained her Doctorate from Yeshiva University and her Analytic Training
from the New York University Post-Doctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. She is a
licensed clinical psychologist-psychoanalyst in a full-time private practice in Manhattan, where she
sees individuals, couples, and families. Dr. Rappoport is also a Somatic Experience® Practitioner specializing in trauma resolution work in New York and Jerusalem. She is an adjunct clinical supervisor for doctoral students in New York City and conducts private supervision groups for clinicians interested in integrating somatic bodywork with relational psychoanalysis. She lectures and consults at many institutes on intersubjectivity, recognition and trauma.
Onno van der Hart, M.D.
From 1997 to now, Dr. Van der Hart has been Chief of Research at Cats-Polm Institute, Zeist and
Professor of Health Psychology at Utrecht University, Utrecht. Since 1996, he has held the post of
Psychologist/psychotherapist, Psychotherapy Team, Regional Institute for Ambulatory Mental Health Care (RIAGG Z/NW), Amsterdam. He has previously served as Chief of the Trauma and Dissociation Team Regional Institute for Ambulatory Mental Health Care South/New West (RIAGG Z/NW) in Amsterdam and as Senior psychologist at Institute for Psychotrauma, Utrecht. His clinical interests are the diagnosis and treatment of dissociative disorders, disorders of extreme stress, posttraumatic stress disorders and grief therapy, therapeutic rituals, hypnosis psychotherapeutic management of chronic pain and somatoform disorders. The author of many scholarly articles, his teaching interests include dissociative disorders: theory, diagnosis and treatment, posttraumatic stress disorder: theory, diagnosis and treatment, clinical hypnosis, and strategic psychotherapy. Dr. Van der Hart’s research interests include the prevalence, etiology and phenomenology of dissociative disorders, outcome research on treatment approaches to posttraumatic stress disorder, dissociative disorders, traumatic memories, and pathological mourning.
Peter Levine, Ph.D
Peter Levine, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized pioneer in stress research and a leading
developer of advances in healing practices for trauma survivors. He has worked with torture victims,
refugees, and survivors of natural disasters worldwide. Dr. Levine is currently devising strategies for
preventing the spread of panic and overwhelm in the face of the recent terrorist attacks in the United States. He has brought his unique method for healing trauma to war survivors living in the former Yugoslavia, Denmark, and Germany. In 1999 he visited the Middle East, where he worked with a group of Palestinian, Turkish, and Israeli mental health workers to focus on the emotional and
historical wounds of trauma that have devastated these countries. Dr. Levine serves on the
Presidential Initiative on Ethnopolitical Warfare, developing a special curriculum for dealing with large-scale disasters and ethnopolitical conflict. Now published in 8 languages, Levine’s best-selling book, WAKING THE TIGER: HEALING TRAUMA (North Atlantic Books), is a journey through the ‘primitive world’ of our biological and emotional responses to threat.
Levine has recently developed a series of audio-learning tapes to help listeners awaken their natural capacity to resolve trauma symptoms.
Danny Brom, Ph.D
Danny Brom, Ph.D., is a Clinical Psychologist/psychotherapist with a special interest and experience in treating and researching traumatic experiences and their consequences. Danny Brom was the former director of the Dutch Institute for Psychotrauma and is presently working as Director of the Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma in Jerusalem. Besides his executive tasks, he is doing clinical work, training therapists, and conducting and supervising research. Currently, he is the Founding Director of the Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma, Herzog Hospital,
Jerusalem. He has been a lecturer in the Clinical Psychology Department at Hebrew University since 1998, conducts a private practice, and is Chairman of the Committee of Appeal of the Dutch
Holocaust Reparation Authority in Israel. Dr. Brom is the author of many scholarly articles and book
David A. Gross, MD, FAPA, PA
Dr. Gross is a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology and a Fellow of the
American Psychiatric Association. He currently practices in Delray Beach, Florida, where since January 2002, he has conducted his private practice of psychiatry. He has held numerous positions as clinical and medical director at trauma treatment centers. He is a member of many professional
organizations, including the American Psychiatric Association. Florida Psychiatric Society, Florida
Medical Association, Palm Beach County Medical Society, Palm Beach County Psychiatric Society,
American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology, American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists and
American Neuropsychiatric Association. Dr. Gross is the recipient of many medical honors and
appointments and the author of the research and scholarly articles.
Liisa K. Hyvarinen Temple
Liisa K. Hyvarinen is a freelance journalist based in Tampa, Florida. She is also a Dart Fellow for
Journalism and Trauma with the University of Washington-Seattle and served as a Rosalynn Carter
Fellow for Mental Health Journalism at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Center in Atlanta.
Hyvarinen started her career as a magazine writer in San Francisco but has also worked extensively in television; her work has appeared on NBC, CNN, ABC and CBS. Her documentary on depression and suicide, “Silent Screams,” was nominated for an Emmy Award in 2001; her previous investigative work on public safety issues earned her the Emmy in 1997.
Elaine Silvestrini
Past-President of DART Society, Elaine Silvestrini, recently joined the Tampa Tribune in Tampa,
Florida, where she covers federal courts, after more than a decade of covering courts in New Jersey, where she worked at the Asbury Park Press and the Gloucester County Times. She is continually looking for ways to humanize her journalism, to infuse her storytelling with compassion while not shirking from the duty to inform. She went to Rwanda in August 2001 with psychologists working with the government, journalists, and non-governmental organizations to help that country heal from the 1994 genocide. That domestic American journalists could be affected by their work was a foreign concept in 2000. Still, she joined the effort to aid others, particularly war correspondents, out of a sense of obligation to those who have put their lives on the line. Then, Sept. 11 took the lives of more than 150 people in the Asbury Park Press coverage area. Elaine was called upon to help their newsroom deal with the disaster and served as an internal staff “ombudsman,” advocating for sensitive coverage and journalist's; needs. In addition to reporting on the aftermath and going into the homes of those who lost loved ones, she helped coordinate coverage, attended news meetings, helped reporters with communications issues, and suggested names of staffers who needed to be rotated in and out of the story. She arranged for critical response teams to debrief the staff and took care packages of food to the reporters in the bureaus. She reported stories on the psychological consequences of the disaster. She was able to help a newsroom through the worst disaster this country has ever experienced.
Deirdre Stoelzle
Past-President of DART Society, Elaine Silvestrini, recently joined the Tampa Tribune in Tampa,
Florida, where she covers federal courts, after more than a decade of covering courts in New Jersey, where she worked at the Asbury Park Press and the Gloucester County Times. She is continually looking for ways to humanize her journalism, to infuse her storytelling with compassion while not shirking from the duty to inform. She went to Rwanda in August 2001 with psychologists working with the government, journalists, and non-governmental organizations to help that country heal from the 1994 genocide. That domestic American journalists could be affected by their work was a foreign concept in 2000. Still, she joined the effort to aid others, particularly war correspondents, out of a sense of obligation to those who have put their lives on the line. Then, Sept. 11 took the lives of more than 150 people in the Asbury Park Press coverage area. Elaine was called upon to help their newsroom deal with the disaster and served as an internal staff “ombudsman,” advocating for sensitive coverage and journalist's; needs. In addition to reporting on the aftermath and going into the homes of those who lost loved ones, she helped coordinate coverage, attended news meetings, helped reporters with communications issues, and suggested names of staffers who needed to be rotated in and out of the story. She arranged for critical response teams to debrief the staff and took care packages of food to the reporters in the bureaus. She reported stories on the psychological consequences of the disaster. She was able to help a newsroom through the worst disaster this country has ever experienced.
Dianna DiMascio
A Los Angeles, California lawyer, Dianna specializes in communication law, emphasizing intellectual
property rights and the media.
David Grand, Ph.D.
David Grand, Ph.D., is trained as an EMDR Institute Facilitator, specialty presenter at EMDR Institute Level II Trainings and a presenter at EMDR Institute Retreats. He is the author of EMOTIONAL HEALING AT WARP SPEED: THE POWER OF EMDR, released in August 2001. He is the creator of BioLateral Sound Healing Products. Dr. Grand is the developer of “Natural Flow Creative Healing,”which integrates a variety of healing modalities. He is an EMDRIA-Approved Consultant and presenter at the 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002 EMDR International Conferences and the 2001 and 2002 EMDR Europe Conference. He presented seminars at the AMCHA Trauma Conference in Israel, London, Amsterdam, and Buenos Aires. He has a chapter in the book Extending EMDR. Dr. Grand developed EMDR Acting and Singing Coaching, an extension of EMDR Creativity Enhancement.
He has taught the system at New Actor’s Workshop since 1998, has given showcases in New York and Los Angeles and coaches actors and singers privately. He has appeared on CNN, NBC Nightly News, Nightline and Discovery and featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today, Newsday and Golf Digest magazine.
Judith Kuriansky, Ph.D.
A clinical psychologist, lecturer, certified sex therapist, media personality, best-selling author, adjunct professor at New York University, and a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Dr. Kuriansky brings considerable talent and professionalism to the advisory board for ITI.
Migael Scherer
Migael Scherer is a teacher and consultant to the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma at the
University of Washington in Seattle and director of the Dart Award for Excellence in Reporting on
Victims of Violence. Since 1990 Scherer has been a lecturer in reporting, journalism ethics, and public relations classes. She has collaborated with other universities and national experts on trauma, victims and the media and has presented at numerous workshops and conferences. Scherer’s first book, Still Loved by the Sun: A Rape Survivor’s Journal (Simon & Schuster, 1992), won a PEN/Albrand Citation for Distinguished Nonfiction and a Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association award. She is also the author of A Cruising Guide to Puget Sound (1995) and Sailing to Simplicity: Life Lessons Learned at Sea (1999), as well as essays and articles (see related works below). Her profiles of journalists appear in Covering Violence: A Guide to Ethical Reporting about Victims and Trauma. She is working on a non-fiction book that earned her a 1997 resident fellowship from the Island Institute in Sitka, Alaska.
Scherer received a Bachelor of Arts degree with honors from Seattle University in 1969 and a
secondary education certificate from the University of Washington in 1970. She is a former technical
writer, computer information systems instructor, and high school journalism teacher.
Hyla Cass, M.D.
Hyla Cass, M.D. is a noted author of several books and Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at
UCLA School of Medicine. She has integrated nutritional medicine with psychiatry in her clinical
practice. A popular public speaker, consultant, and educator, her topics include complementary
medicine and psychiatry, anti-aging, women’s health (including natural hormone therapy), stress
reduction, and natural treatments for addictions, anxiety disorders, and depression. She is also a
frequent commentator in newspapers, magazines, radio, and television, a contributor to numerous
books and journals, and a consultant to the supplement industry. Dr. Cass graduated from the
University of Toronto School of Medicine, interned at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center, and
completed a psychiatric residency at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center/UCLA.
Ofra Ayalon, M.D.
Ofra Ayalon is a Doctor of Psychology and the director of Nord International Trauma Consultancy. She also heads the COPE Center, which trains professionals in Israel in therapeutic cards, is employed as a scientific editor for Nord Publications and promotes The OH-Cards in Israel. During her 35-year career at Haifa, University Ofra has written and published many articles, books and intervention programs on divorce, domestic violence and child abuse, death and bereavement, suicide prevention and war and terrorism. As a trainer and consultant, Ofra has worked with mental health workers on-site in traumatized communities in Israel, South Africa, Angola, the former Yugoslavia and Ireland. She has also trained professionals in Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Finland, England and Portugal. Her publications are available in many languages, including Hebrew, English, Arabic, Thai, Finnish, Croatian and Spanish. Ofra´s current focus is on the effects and prevention of violence in the media, in society and in the family, and on associative cards (the OH-Cards and their offshoots) to promote communication and creativity.
Vivian Gold, Ph.D.
Vivian Gold, Ph.D., is a Veterans Administration Greater Los Angeles Healthcare Service psychologist.
Also, she is an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Psychiatry and Bio-behavioral Sciences department at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute. She is a board member of Grex, the West coast center of the AK Rice Institute, and a board member of the UCLA CSOGD. Dr. Gold also has a private clinical and consulting psychology practice in Los Angeles, CA. She is coordinating a living memorial – bringing children and grandchildren of veterans killed or disabled in war using the Veteran’s Administration Hospital grounds as a public space to honor veterans and the community.
Robin Twite
An ex-British diplomat, Robin has been working on environmental projects jointly supported by
Israelis and Palestinians. The author of many articles, he is the Secretary General of the World
Conference for Religion and Peace (WCRP)
Taj Hamad
Taj Hamad is the President of The World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (WANGO), an international membership organization uniting NGOs worldwide for the cause of advancing peace and global well-being. WANGO helps to provide the mechanism and support needed for NGOs to connect, partner, share, inspire, and multiply their contributions to solve humanity’s fundamental problems. Initiated in 2000 by a handful of international NGOs and prominent visionaries, WANGO has quickly become one of the premier international bodies for non-governmental organizations committed to universal peace, justice, and well-being for all humanity. Concerned with universal values shared across the barriers of politics, culture, religion, race and ethnicity, the founding organizations and individuals envisioned an organization that would enable NGOs to work in partnership across those barriers, thereby weaving a selfless social fabric essential to establishing a worldwide culture of peace. By optimizing resources and sharing vital information, WANGO provides a means for NGOs to become more effective in completing their vital tasks. Mr. Hamad is interested in supporting the writing of the booklet, supplying stories, supporting the funding of training for diplomats in the Middle East and disseminating the information through WANGO.

Our ongoing projects include:
- Implementing research with veterans suffering from chronic PTSD
- Healing veterans and terror victims with PTSD, at the Sheba (Tel Hashomer) Hospital
- Training personnel at the Schneider Hospital, Ichilov, Rambam hospitals
- Training primary school educators
- Offering training sessions to NGO workers, Diplomats and Media professionals Since 1999
- Held and concluded SETM Research
- Offered 8-10 SETM trainings per year in Israel
- Trained approximately 10,000 professionals at various levels
- Offered pilot programs and projects for the medical, public, education, health and NGO sectors, in Israel, Brasil and the UN - Presented Healing Collective Trauma workshops throughout the US and in Brazil, Israel, Germany, Jordan, Italy and Mexico
Israel Trauma
and Media

Provides self-help tools and support to Israeli and Palestinian media professionals, whose coverage is impacted by burnout and secondhand trauma associated with jobstress and the violence to which they are exposed.
Through trainings, educational activities and joint meetings over an 18 month period in cooperation with Israeli and Palestinian partners, media professionals in this region develop awareness of the role that trauma plays in exacerbating conflicts and the essential role the media can play to promote healing.
The project has the potential to impact massive numbers of people by affecting reporting, slanting it towards the resolution rather than the amplification of trauma, informing the public on trauma, its impact and its healing, as well as facilitating dialogue
among the region’s media professionals.
Israel Trauma
and Media

Provide Palestinian and Israeli teachers and parents with self-help tools to reduce the effects of trauma, develop greater personal control, and decrease the potential for reactive violence, in conjunction with Education for Life in Israel. The tools will help parents, teachers, and children cope with the effects of the current conflict. Seminars will help develop awareness of how collective extensive trauma exacerbates conflict, leads to reactive decision-making, and increases violent behavior. In addition, the project provides, communication skills designed to reduce verbal aggression and promote constructive relations between people.
Short-term and long-term impact is better mutual understanding and promotion of nonviolent behavior within and between Palestinian and Israeli societies.
Israel Trauma
and Education
Israel Trauma
and Media

A forty-five minute video that describes trauma, its effects on physical and mental health and on behavior; and provides techniques to cope with traumatic activation and to develop resiliency.
Widely distributed to the public, for maximum impact, through schools, hospitals, community centers and on television, this tool will allow a massive number of people to understand how trauma manifests in their lives and to constructively cope with traumatic stress, minimizing the impact on the economy, the health and criminal system and minimizing political pressure for knee-jerk reactions.

Six serialized books tailored to the experience of trauma and specific application of its healing techniques in a variety of environments. Editions will address education, government, medical/emergency, business, clergy, and legal markets.
By addressing the effects of trauma in a variety of environments and illustrating specific healing applications, the series will promote the understanding of and coping with trauma in a specific and pointed manner, serving as a catalyst for institutional discourse in the different markets, the engaging of experts and the creation and delivery of training for each specific market.
Beyond the Trauma Vortex Book Series

Resource Center
Interactive website, forum, and collaborative network, to educate the public on trauma, facilitate the up-to-date exchange between research and clinical data, and provide a forum for the collaboration at the community, national, and international level, of resources for healing trauma. It includes online video presentations.
A quick, effective and cost-efficient tool, the resource center will facilitate the understanding of trauma as a root cause of violence as well as the promotion, collaboration, and synthesis of present and emerging resources on trauma and its healing purpose, making them accessible to the public and the professional community.
Our Partners